The staff working at the Boathouse, along with those who travel around the country several months out of the year to install the work, is also immense. And beyond their technical expertise, they can answer questions that any curator, gallery owner, or architect might have about the medium - how it was designed, what it might resemble, or how it needs to be installed. The end result is an educational entourage that keeps the wheels of Chihuly's empire in motion.

But, while always visible, always traveling around the globe and always working on multiple projects, Chihuly says that marketing has never been his game.

"I don't ever think in terms of marketing - I think it's something that just comes," he says. "I don't think you set about with a plan to be successful; but on the other hand, you shouldn't pass up opportunities. You've got to be in the right place at the right time or those breaks aren't going to happen.

"I suppose there are some artists in the world who do work that they never show to anybody, but I can't fathom that."


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